I have a plan which I share when asked what my goal in life is.
You see, I come from a society where you are expected to have a goal.

The goal certainly has its rudiments.
It typically contains;
Making a lot of money;
Working as a banker;
Becoming a 'big madam'
Getting married and having 'fine fine children'

Therefore to avoid been tagged as a loser,
I answer with the unarticulated laid down pattern, which my society demands from me.
Thus, I had to have a plan that portrays me like the society wants.

I have different versions of the 'plan'
Each plan depending on who  enquires.
To the elders I reply ------ "To further my education";
To the white collar folks -------"I am working to become administrative head"
To the entrepreneurs ----------- "Being a business woman is my goal"
And on goes endless responses.

To avoid being tagged a liar,
I ensure I remember to tell them the exact same thing I told them when they enquire again..
However, deep down within me,
 I just want a trillion things that might not make sense to anyone.
Thus, I decide to keep my deepest desires to myself.

How do I tell the society
That I am beyond portfolios?
How do I explain that I am one of a kind?
How do I tell them that the unveiling is gradual?
How do I let them understand that I am much more than who they desire me to become?
How do I explain that my purpose cannot be achieved within a few number of years?
It also does not have the advantage of been a 'big madam'.

Some may call it "misplaced priorities".
Others term may term me a 'woman with no visible goals'.

How do I tell the world that I want to be a lady
Who doesn’t follow the rules?

How do I get my society to understand?
That life is my teacher.
That been a 'big madam' is not my ultimate priority.
That making money is not what life is all about.
That there are billions of 'fine fine' babies with no one to care for them.
Husbands and wives, who hates each other,
And brothers who kill themselves over the littlest things.

How do I let them know that my goal is to be joyful?
That my mandate is to assist people to become better versions of themselves, a step at a time.
That my dreams are not related to their desires
That, although I don’t have it all figured out,
One day, I will.

Please do not get me wrong.
Having a portfolio is great.
I respect people who are doing well in their various fields.
I just want my society know that I am not those people!
That I am a woman who is not 'NORMAL'

Dedicated to everyone who desires more!!


A. Testimony said…
Hmmm.... Plain!

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