God upon the waters

God upon the waters,
The earth void of life .

God upon the waters ,
He saw darkness upon the face of the deep and
Commanded the existence of light.

God upon the waters ,
Dividing the waters from the waters to create the firmament

God upon the waters ,
Gathering the waters so dry land may appear

God now on the lands ,
Giving commands for the earth to produce  grass,herb  yielding seed,and fruit tree yielding  fruit after its kind , whose seed is in itself

God now in the firmament
Giving detailed commands for times and seasons ,for light in the firmament of the heaven to give light to the earth
For the creation of two great lights and stars
Dividing day from night and light from darkness

God back to the waters
Giving commandments that it brings out living creatures that have life and fowl that may fly above the the earth in the open firmament of heaven
Blessing them to be fruitful and multiply and to fill the waters and  earth .

God back to the earth
Commanding it to bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind

God still on the earth created man in His image and gave man dominion over all He created .

God knowing what He was doing
Transformed what was without void and form to the beauty we see on earth today

God ;All He had to do is move and transformation came .
Elohim- The God of the beginnings
#God #Elohim


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