Bla Bla Bla!
Good day.
Let me tell you about my mind;
It is analytical in nature,
It appears it has a “mind” of its own”
Thinking its thoughts which I never sent it.
Constantly thinking of what needed to be “thought” of,
Thus it is attentive to very minute details.
It sees a bad situation,
And goes on a spree of thinking.
What made this situation go from bad to good?
Could it have been avoided?
Afterwards, it analysis how the situation can become better,
Then it virtually pushes me to contribute my own quota
“My mind also wonders what others are wondering”;
It wishes it has the power to read thoughts ,
Thank God it doesn’t
For none will be saved from its scrutinizing research
Yet it hears vile words,
Condemns it at first,
And then goes ahead to admire the rhymes in the vile words.
It says to me,
"Who doesn’t love rhymes?"
Thereafter, it firmly holds onto the rhymes
A job, I totally didn’t send it to do.
And yet again!
It admires a lady well dressed,
Yet at times, it goes too far.
Wanting the woman attitude to become mine
"That how the big girl’s roll" it says.
It sees a friend fall down.
It bursts out in uncontrollable laughter;
Before letting out a helping hand.
Yet it gets angry when the same act is done to it.
My mind can be likened to a library;
Constantly sectioning all it knows,
Both the pleasant and unpleasant,
Then it brings out a record book I never knew existed.
Using yhe information at times without my knowledge.
My beautiful mind
Loves fiercely!
I wonder at times where it gets such strength from.
For I doubt if I have the ability to love that intensely
My mind is a lot of things.
I might tell you more about it later.
And yet that depends on if it wants me to do the telling
And today, it asks me if you know what your own mind is capable of?